Our Presort Services team is a provider of mail presort services for first-class and standard-class mail in the U.S. and a workshare partner of the United States Postal Service (USPS).

Our network provides mailers with end-to-end solutions from pick up at their location to delivery into the postal system. Through our network of 33+ U.S. locations, we process billions of pieces of mail annually and can expedite delivery and optimize postage savings for our clients.

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Take a look inside our Michigan Presort Facility where our team helps commingle mail to reduce postage expenses, manage USPS(R) requirements and improve mailing operations for our clients. As the largest workshare partner of the USPS, Presort Services commingles over 17 Billion pieces of mail annually across a nationwide network of 40+ operating centers.
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  • Competitive benefits to support Physical, Mental and Financial well-being
  • A diverse and inclusive work environment
  • Growth opportunities and on the job training
  • A safe workplace

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